Okay, first...I can't believe I haven't posted since April. Geez! However, in April I was laid off from my job...so come to think of it, I was busy trying to keep my financial lips above the water line while it was rising...rising...rising. Thank God I found a job and things are better!
Anyway, I am having a huge problem. I bought a pattern YEARS ago called "Kokopelli Border Sampler" by Pitter Patterns. I started it once, but my cat sliced her claw right through the linen and I had to toss it...then I got engaged...and married...etc. I started it again last year...then procrastinated...then when I got laid off I decided to work on it again. I did. Then I found a job and started procrastinating again.
The pattern had worn in two pieces and I have LOST the bottom half, which also had the color key on the back of it. As it so happens, this pattern is out of print. I am now frantically searched for help from anyone who would consider copying it for me or sending me their used original. I will gladly pay postage and even a small finders fee...$20 to whomever can help me!
As you can see by the pictures below, I have purchased this pattern...and I don't think it's copyright infringement if you've purchased it...and I've purchased it...and we're not copying it for a THIRD party's use. I've already paid for it and wouldn't be infringing if I'd made a copy of it for myself to mark up (which is what I should have done!!!)
Anyway, if anyone can help me...I will be eternally grateful. I can't believe I've lost half of this pattern.
Here is the work in progress (with the pattern in view so you can see that I've purchased an original copy):